Liao Hongji: A Chronicler of the Sea Who Walks the Talk
 – Taiwan

Liao Hongji, a venerated figure in Taiwan’s literary scene, immerses readers in the deep blue expanses of Taiwan's oceanic landscapes. His works celebrate the rich tapestry of marine life. Through his poetic and evocative prose, Liao draws attention to ecological concerns and the intimate lives of fishermen, weaving a narrative that is both nature-oriented and deeply reflective of human interactions with the sea. Liao challenges traditional human-marine animal hierarchies, promoting a literary exploration that acknowledges the intricate interplay between human and cetacean worlds. His commitment to marine conservation is further exemplified by his founding of the Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation, which supports cetacean research and promotes environmentally responsible whale watching. His contributions to Taiwan’s oceanic literature have not only enriched the cultural heritage of the island but have also fostered a greater appreciation and understanding of our planet's watery realms.