Jan Novák: Novák? So far so good!
 – Czechia

Born in Kolín in 1953. In 1969 he emigrated to Austria with his parents, and from 1970 he lived in the USA. He graduated in the humanities from the University of Chicago, and is now a freelancer. He has written several theatre plays, film scripts, books of interviews and most importantly more than ten books of prose. He has won a lot of attention with his novel So Far So Good (2004), the script for the comics Zátopek: When you can’t keep going, go faster! (2016, 2020 in English) and So Far So Good (2018, 2021 in English; both with Jaromír 99) and fictionalized biographies of Miloš Forman (What Would I Know?, 2013) and Milan Kundera (Kundera: Czech Life and Times, 2020). Occasionally he also translates.