Ivan Motýl & Elli Tiliu Motýlová: The briquette, the foam-capped beer, the wreck and the skeleton
 – Czechia

Ivan Motýl, born in 1967, studied history “for schoolmasters” at the Ostrava University. He works as a journalist. He has written the theatre play Bezruč?! (with Jan Balabán, 2009), edited The Briquette, “an anthology of Ostrava poetry and poetry about Ostrava 1894–2013” (2013), co-authored Slag, a poetry collection in the form of a comics (with Petr Szyroki, 2019) and most recently edited Šnyt (A Foam-Capped Beer, 2024), with the subtitle “beer in poetry and poetry in beer”. His wife Elli Tiliu Motýlová, born in 1968, is a visual artist who has recently taken her first detour to poetry: in 2023 she published her first collection The Wreck of Frýdek, the Skeleton of Místek.